Everyone get their 10DLC registrations in order?

In case you haven’t been following the 10DLC (10 Digit Long Code) and how that is replacing all shared SMS short codes then you might want to double check with whoever you receive/send SMS over in regards to your VoIP numbers.

ATT, T-Mobile, US Celluar and a few others are requiring that all numbers be registered through the Campaign Registry (which has NRCs and quarterly costs) otherwise they will start rejecting messages to/through their networks. They are also leveling new costs for SMS/MMS messages being sent/received by them. Many providers are passing that through to their wholesalers.

So if you are in the USA and are using SMS/MMS services through your SIP provider DIDs, you need to see what they are doing on your behalf (if anything) because this seems to be something the actual owners/users of the numbers need to do on their own.

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