Error showing after enabling "FreePBX-CM-Extension Routing Module"

I’ve purchased the 1 year Extension Routing (the free one) but when I go into Outbound routes, at the top of the page it shows

Intercept error from ER_Unlicenced - Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO
Class 'ER_Unlicenced’A required module might be disabled or uninstalled.
Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) amportal a ma install
er_unlicenced 2) amportal a ma enable er_unlicenced

running those commands produces this:-

[root@localhost ~]# amportal a ma install er_unlicenced

Fetching FreePBX settings with gen_amp_conf.php…

Unable to install module er_unlicenced:

[root@localhost ~]# amportal a ma enable er_unlicenced

Fetching FreePBX settings with gen_amp_conf.php…

The following error(s) occured:

  • Module er_unlicenced cannot be enabled

Not sure what is causing it

just run: amportal a r

Seeing the same thing after enabling Extension routing. Ran amportal a r but still recieving message when viewing outbound routes.