Error on adding Device?

Can you please advise what the possible cause is of this error and how to fix it.

With the PBX in User/Device mode the system throws an error to say the Mailbox is not properly set up when you try to add just a SIP Chan Device.

This is on the latest version of Free PBX 13.0.98

Any assistance greatly appreciated.

You need to add a mailbox under advanced.

Thank you for your response.

I was able to set up 24 devices without the need for this, I don’t know what code to use to do this?

This only started happening in the last few days.

Why does a device need a mailbox?

I am sorry the actual message is “The Mailbox is not in the proper format”, please advise this is kind of urgent now.

Anyone? Anyone at all?

This is fixed in the edge release of voicemail

Thanks so much Andrew, was not sure if it was a bug or I did something.



Thanks just confirming it does work :slight_smile:

kind regards,

Free PBX 13.0.98 still has the bug, waiting for the patch to come through, workaround is to set up a Dummy User and assign that to the Devices.

FreePBX is up to 104 now, The patch went through last week. Upgrade your modules.

As a friendly reminder Device and User mode is not something we actively support anymore and have not since FreePBX 2.9 days so as each release comes out it will have more and more issues. I suggest looking at getting off D&U mode long term.

Thanks Tony, sorry if I am not up with the play on this, what is the alternative then to User Device Mode. How do you suggest one moves off that and not looses the functionality?