Error never seen

Entering the ip of the pbx in the browser gives me this error. This morning I loaded audio files for entertainment in the conference. Then the error came out

Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_WARNING)

file_put_contents(): Only 0 of 189 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space

The pbx is loaded into a kvm on SeFlow and can be accessed by VNC or SSH. What files should I delete and how do I find them to solve the problem?

Thank you all

The big ones in /tmp and /var/log/asterisk

how do you delete them?

Log in to the console through the terminal screen or through SSH.

Change Directory to /var/log/asterisk

Use ‘ls -al’ and look for really big files. Delete them and reboot.


I found these. astdb has 73728, can you delete?

Not /var/lib/asterisk.

ok, perfect, it seems to work
Thanks for the help

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