ERROR / Need some help. +

I was using freepbx after a new install and connected to callcentric ok and system showed as registered. I tried to update an extension and am now getting the following error when I try to update the server.
root@pbx: $ /var/www/html/panel/safe_opserver line 7: 2757 Terminated $FOPWEBROOT/

Does anyone know how I can correct this error? I am a new FreePBX user and just starting to get my feet wet…
Any help is appreciated.

The FOP is written by a very nice developer who sometimes watches posting here but at the same time his main site for the FOP is at so you might find some more info there.

You’ll need to also provide more information as we don’t know what version of asterisk or FreePBX you are running and thus the version of the FOP to accurately track the line and error in question.