Error message after updating Endpoint module-PLEASE HELP

Freepbx still works but cannot change settings any more. Error comes in after I press “Apply config”
When updating module, it through error and disabled Endpoint. Error message is below. Don’t have knowledge to figure out how to log into pbx and change it up. I do know how to putty in.

exit: 255
Unable to continue. Call to undefined function FreePBX\modules\endpoint_apiApp() in /var/www/html/admin/modules/restapps/Restapps.class.php on line 1281 #0 /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Composer/vendor/filp/whoops/src/Whoops/Run.php(383): Whoops\Run->handleError(1, ‘Call to undefin…’, ‘/var/www/html/a…’, 1281) #1 [internal function]: Whoops\Run->handleShutdown() #2 {main}

Try to apply config, go back to the updates section, download all, upgrade all, process and see if that works

ssh in to the pbx and issue:

fwconsole reload --verbose

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