Error Directory ‘/GreenFoods_Backup’ did not exist and we could not create it, Directory / not found

I’m trying to create backups of external exchanges to my network via ftp, using vsftpd and I get the following error:


and I don’t understand why I get an error because when I create the backup with the same configuration in an internal control unit it works for me.

Possible permissions issue, which would be resolved by running fwconsole chown. Possible disk space issue or corruption.

I tried the fwconsole chown command and it didn’t work and there is no problem of damage or space because the machine is new.

is there any solution for this problem?

I’m trying to create backups of external exchanges to my network via ftp, using vsftpd and I get the following error:

Directory ‘/Backup’ did not exist and we could not create it, Directory / not found

I don’t understand this problem because I made backups with internal switchboards and it worked and now that I’m trying it with external network I get this error.

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