Error after todays update

After updating module’s today, received the following error:

Symlink from modules failed
retrieve_conf failed to sym link:
/etc/asterisk/http.conf from core/etc (Already exists, not a link)
This can result in FATAL failures to your PBX. If the target file exists and not identical, the symlink will not occur and you should rename the target file to allow the automatic sym link to occur and remove this error, unless this is an intentional customization.
Added 5 hours, 57 minutes ago

Any ideas as to how to resolve this issue? Thanks in advance.

Do as it says. Remove the http.conf file,

rm /etc/asterisk/http.conf

then run

amportal a r

Great, that worked!! Sorry I’m such a noob with this. Thank you very much.

New at what? Reading or following directions?

Ducking and running. I was good all day didn’t bust anybodies chops!

But why can’t this housekeeping be automated?
After all, not every production system has a resident expert
(enthusiastic amateur in my case).

I’m not bitching about FreePBX, honest. I love it really, and you guys that make it possible.

Because what if you have some random configuration in httpd.conf?

Are we suppose to delete the file and say “Oh well this is what you get for using FreePBX”?

Or attempt to migrate all settings into our database? What if we missed a setting that we didnt know you had, or (in terms of http.conf) there can be a ton of mappings, we dont manage mappings in FreePBX so should I have blown that work away?

We’d rather have users deal with deleting non-symlinks themselves as to prevent any “you destroyed my PBX, I have custom modifications in there”