Endpoint OSS Manager - unable to add new extensions


I am unable to add new extensions for polycom phones. I do not have other phone brands to test with however I am receiving the following error:

copy(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory

I am unsure of what this error is related to, I checked the folders it is referencing and the files are there. A quick search showed this seems to be an issue for quite a number of people but I have yet to find a resoluton

FreePBX Version: 13.0.167
OSS Endpoint (free not commercial):

Any assistance is appreciated!

was there more of a trace? filename? line number?

Here is the full error on the page:


               } else {
                       if (file_exists(PHONE_MODULES_PATH . "endpoint/" . $phone_info['directory'] . "/" . $phone_info['cfg_dir'] . "/" . $data)) {
                          if (!file_exists(dirname($write_path . $data))) {
                               !@mkdir(dirname($write_path . $data), 0775);
                         copy(PHONE_MODULES_PATH . "endpoint/" . $phone_info['directory'] . "/" . $phone_info['cfg_dir'] . "/" . $data, $write_path . $data);
                           chmod($write_path . $data, 0775);

Let me know if I can provide anything else - thank you for the assistance!

EDIT - I tried to number them but the forum didnt like it. Its line 1284 to 1293

Quick bump - anyone have any ideas? Would going to the paid commercial version fix this as others have suggested?

I just ran into this exact issue this week when managing Polycom phones. After a bit of troubleshooting, I was able to determine the issue was caused by an extra subdirectory that OSS wasn’t expecting under /var/www/html/admin/modules/_ep_phone_modules/endpoint/polycom/firmware3333/ (depending on the firmware you installed, your directory might be a bit different). Once I deleted the SoundPointIPLocalization directly under this folder, I was able to add Polycom handsets under OSS. Just make sure to keep the contacts, logs and overrides directories.

That is not the full error. You merely posted code to this page without any context.