Endpoint manager and apps


If this has been asked before, I apologize, but I was unable to locate anything regarding it via an exhaustive search and numerous google searches.

I am trying to enable a few features in my standard MAC-Features.cfg file for Endpoint Manager. I am using the latest version of FreePBX 12.0.76 and Endpoint Manager version

The problem I am having is that the Endpoint Manager Basefile edit configurator for the MAC-Features.cfg file will not accept the following entries. I need to know if these aren’t implemented in Endpoint Manager or if I’m simply doing it wrong. I have edited numerous other features successfully and have all phones and settings properly provisioning. This is the only few lines that it won’t accept.


It appears these sections aren’t allowed either in Basefile Edit. Has anyone else come across this?

Thanks in advance for any assistance or input.


Maybe I missed it, what kind of phones are you deploying?

My fault, I forgot to include that. Polycom VVX series. Specifically VVX400, VVX410, VVX500 and VVX600.


Any confirmation on this?


Is this the wrong place to request this feature clarification on the commercial modules? I paid for it thinking it would save time for provisioning over what I normally do, which is create the files myself and host them on a tftp server, but without being able to create these fields and the endpoint manager rejecting them when I create them, I have to either edit them in each phone or go back to creating the files manually again. Should I call into support instead?

Thanks in advance,

I would suggest opening a commercial modules support ticket, so we can get a developer to take a look.