Elastix to FreePBX conversion script

Anyone have some experience with this? I need a push in the right direction.
I’ve run it on the new FreePBX machine, no problem, its now waiting for my elastic machine to contact it.

When I run the command on Elastix 2.5,
curl -s https://convert.freepbx.org | bash

It just returns back to the command prompt with no errors or additional information echo’d to the screen.
Verified that CURL is on the machine, proper internet access, corp firewall shows nothing being blocked to that server.

Anyone with some experience with this tool might give my butt a kick in the right direction?

Resolved! Missed teh -insecure command that was available.

curl --insecure https://convert.freepbx.org | bash

KUDOS to FreePBX organization for this script. Flipped an 80 seat office over with this script today. No problems at all reported.

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