Well it keeps coming up… see today’s post on Disk usage biting somebody…
Riffing off that a bit, specifically the du invocation suggested in Disk usage - #2 by jmpg (thanks @jmpg), maybe some would feel more comfortable posting the output of:
du -chd4 /boot /etc /home /opt /root /srv /tmp /usr /var | sort -rh | head -n20 | sed -e 's/^/|/' -e 's/\t/|/' -e 's/$/|/' | sed '2i|-|-|'
Such as this from a relatively fresh v17 install:
6.8G | total |
3.9G | /var |
2.8G | /usr |
1.6G | /usr/lib |
1.3G | /var/www/html/admin |
1.3G | /var/www/html |
1.3G | /var/www |
1.3G | /var/lib |
1.3G | /var/cache |
1.2G | /var/www/html/admin/modules |
1.2G | /var/cache/apt/archives |
1.2G | /var/cache/apt |
918M | /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu |
742M | /usr/share |
702M | /var/lib/asterisk |
621M | /var/lib/asterisk/sounds |
394M | /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-13-amd64 |
394M | /usr/lib/modules |
389M | /usr/lib/modules/6.1.0-13-amd64/kernel |
295M | /usr/bin |