Don't see purchased module under System License

I “purchased” Extension router module. Under Schmooze Portal I see Invoice page (invoice 94153) saying “Processed: Yes”. Also, I see “FreePBX-CM-Extension Routing Module 25 Y” under Product Information on Deployment page.

Deployment number matches what I see in PBX Deployment ID on System Admin / System License page.

However, Licensed products on System Admin / System License page only lists Global license. I pressed Check button several times, but nothing changes.

Any advice? I am running PIAF on RentPBX.


With PIAF you may have to perform the following step in the linux shell:

service httpd restart

We have included this step in our wiki for installing commercial modules on PIAF, please see:

Thank you, that solved.
I was following another place on WIKI: that doesn’t have this addition :wink: