Does this module exist?

Hi folks.

I’m looking for a module that can do the following for a client of mine:

  1. Enter an IVR
  2. Play a recorded information message, or
  3. Play a series of recorded questions and record their answers, and then
  4. Email a copy of the recording to someone

Call structure would be something like

“Press 1 to obtain more information or 2 to answer some questions”
2 is pressed
“What is your favorite color?”
Caller answers and is recorded
“What is your favorite food?”
Caller answers and is recorded

… repeat …

“Thank you for answering our questions.”
End call
Email call recording to person.

Is there a module that can do this for me?

Thanks in advance,

There’s currently no supported module that does that.

However, you can do it with a custom dialplan.

Search the community for something like “Survey Email”

The third party module Dynrougtes gets you most of the way there.

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