Does the "endpoint" section in extensions module do anything?

In the extensions module, when I create a new extension, there is a section for “Endpoint” with a box for the mac address, template, model and account. If I haven’t purchased and installed the endpoint manager, these boxes don’t do anything, right? That is, these boxes are only for use with the endpoint manager, right?

The answer to this question is: No and Yes.
No, it does not do anything at all unless you have installed the commercial EndPoint Manager module (I’m not sure if it works with the OSS EPM).

Probably that section should not appear unless EPM is licensed and enabled.

You must be on a older EPM as this was fixed in the 12 version already.

Ah, maybe so. I purchased the EPM module, so I don’t know if it makes any difference and I’ll take your word for it.