Disk i/o errors on FreePBX distro


[root@freepbx keys]# locate *.pem
[root@freepbx keys]#

This is what I expect. And voip.aquilatech.pem is the key that it SHOULD be using. And it is marked as default in certificate management.

However, when I go to the dashboard, I get an invalid default certificate.

Sorry I don’t use the “Distro”

So many problems restoring from backup.

In addition to certificates not work, every page gives UNDEFINED error banner, and I cannot activate the server.

It says:
This machine is not activated. Activating your system ensures that
your machine is eligible for support and that it has the ability to
install Commercial Modules.

If you already have a Deployment ID for this machine, simply run:

fwconsole sysadmin activate deploymentid |

So I do that, and it says:
Asking for deployment deploymentid…Error!
Unable to track down your deployment

So, i have gone back to using the failing old server with the constant disk i/o errors.

Message us with the deployment id you are trying to use

For what it’s worth, I have been using FreePBX or it’s forbears for longer than most, I can assure you that I always deploy a completely open-source system that does not need registration, licensing or any ‘commercial’ modules with almost no lack of function, If you need commercial support , please feel free to use it as it makes it easier for newbies and adds function (at a cost) , complaining that the Open-source parts of FreePBX are in any way not working or likely to go away is just plain wrong.

Your backup tarball contains whatever you chose to put in it, the mysql dumps, the web server and the etc/asterisk files and anything else you arbitrarily added to your backup schema , you should be careful restoring any part of it if you suspect that the original system was in any way ‘Broken’ ( as yours apparently was) and it is very easy to be particular as to what you want to restore.



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