/dev/mapper/vg_ha-slash filling up fast

Asterisk 13.19

I’ve got a Freepbx HA configuration where it’s showing /dev/mapper/vg_ha-slash is going from 50% to 75% in a 12 hour period. I deleted a bunch of httpd error logs and that reduced it to 50% but less than 10 hours later it’s back to 71% except this time the log files are not the culprit. I’ve tried running du -kscx * from the root to see what folders are using a bunch of disk space but nothing shows that it can account for the vanishing disk space.

[root@freepbx-a log]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
48249720 32481152 13310968 71% /
tmpfs 3975920 61448 3914472 2% /dev/shm
/dev/md0 487588 32689 429303 8% /boot
// 9362775284 6574903120 2787872164 71% /mnt/qnap
/dev/drbd2 47449536 9832780 35199784 22% /drbd/mysql
/dev/drbd4 9387332 21264 8882552 1% /drbd/spare
/dev/drbd3 37930460 1449748 34547260 5% /drbd/httpd
/dev/drbd1 85511988 27529636 53631924 34% /drbd/asterisk
[root@freepbx-a log]# cd /
[root@freepbx-a /]# du -kcsx *
361224 backup.tftpboot20180525
6928 bin
30411 boot
284 dev
20 drbd
61552 etc
498960 home
4 installed-version
265164 lib
26456 lib64
16 lost+found
4 media
8 mnt
755444 opt
du: cannot access proc/5495/task/5597/fd/198': No such file or directory du: cannot access proc/5495/task/5597/fd/333’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access proc/5495/task/5610/fd/198': No such file or directory du: cannot access proc/5495/task/5610/fd/363’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access proc/5495/task/5610/fd/364': No such file or directory du: cannot access proc/5495/task/5011/fdinfo/364’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access proc/5495/task/5651/fd/363': No such file or directory du: cannot access proc/5495/task/5651/fdinfo/198’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access proc/5495/task/26381/fd/365': No such file or directory du: cannot access proc/5495/task/26381/fdinfo/198’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access proc/5495/task/26382/fd/363': No such file or directory du: cannot access proc/5495/task/26395/fd/663’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access proc/5495/task/26395/fd/674': No such file or directory du: cannot access proc/27010/task/27010/fd/4’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access proc/27010/task/27010/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory du: cannot access proc/27010/fd/4’: No such file or directory
du: cannot access `proc/27010/fdinfo/4’: No such file or directory
0 proc
4 repair
423252 root
12852 sbin
4 selinux
4 srv
0 sys
0 tftpboot
349864 tmp
4 uploads
1699616 usr
1597048 var
6089123 total

Any suggestions as to what to look for?

As root

du -xh --max-depth=1 /|sort -h

the last line is the biggest, so iterate

du -xh --max-depth=1 /var/|sort -h


du -xh --max-depth=1 /var/log/|sort -h

when you are at the end of the tree, look for the biggies.

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