DDI subscribed numbers not going through on outbound

I have the extensions, when I do an outbound call it goes as one single number for all extensions yet I needed each extension to have its own Outbound CID that I even included in the outbound CID but still uses one common number. Is there away out? Thank you
But when I create an outbound route with a different number and I assign the number to the extension, I get the error: “We are sorry we can not connect to this call at this time”
Here is the paste bin: ddioutboundfaults - Pastebin.com
And TCPdump: https://cloud.sun.ac.ug/ddioutbound.pcap

Have you added in your Extensions CID?

Yes, I have it included and I did not enable override on the route

What is selected at Outbound Route side ?

Check that, Settings → Advance Setting

In the CDR, it will show you what the outbound callerid is for the call. If that value is different than what the called person sees, then you need to confirm with your provider how to configure CID.

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