Customer Relationship Module with Salesforce Sandbox Mode (FSB and/or SCDEV)


I am testing out the CRM Link Module with Salesforce in FSB (a salesforce sandbox) however I have been unable to get the API token to successfully save within the CRM Setup page in FreePBX.

When I click on Get Salesforce Token I am redirected to login(dot)salesforce(dot)com and from there I change the URL to test(dot)salesforce(dot)com and login with my sandbox credentials.

This then brings up the authorization request for the sangomacrm connected app I created in the sandbox.

I authorize the app which then redirects me back to the sangomacrm config page URL with &code=(random string here which I believe is the token).

The page however does not fully load and only displays a single text box:

CRM Type

None of the other fields appear until I remove the &code=(random string here) from the URL and refresh the page. Upon refreshing the “Get Salesforce Token” button re-appears and no token has been stored. I checked the asterisk database and found where the settings were stored within the
kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm table however I see no reference to a “Token” key entered in the val column for “salesforcesettings”.

Can the Customer Relationship Module be used with a Salesforce sandbox? If so do I need to manually add the token provided after “code=” in the URL string in the database table and if so where in the json array should I place the token and what key should I use?

Here is a copy of the salesforce module page:

Here is where I change the login URL:

And where I get the auth request:

And what I see when I am redirected back to FreePBX:

Sorry for the multiple posts as it would not allow me to upload more than 1 image per post as I am a new user.

I think maybe not, tho this is a question for Salesforce. See warning on this page:

I thought that may be possible as well but I get all the way through accepting the authorization after logging in. And it appears to grab something for the &code=(random string) part of the URL when its redirected back to FreePBX. I would think that the code= is then pulled in as part of a _GET request and then processed by the server.

I did try this with both the stable build of sangomacrm as well as the edge build with the same results from both module versions.

Module Name: sangomacrm
Module Version:

Submit the page in freepbx before you get the token. Then when you come back to the page in freepbx request the token and it will work

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