Custom module updates

Is there any way to create my own repository for in-house developed modules we are using? We are running 2 systems, soon to be 3, and would love to put updates somewhere so people administering can update them along with the rest of the freepbx modules. As of now, making a tgz file, then notifying people of the updates, is somewhat slow and cumbersome. Especially if I’m making numerous changes. I’ve already got my modules properly signed.

This is not a simple process and would require you to do two things:

  1. Change the advanced setting for mirror servers to your own servers.
  2. Supplement your own modules within your xml while also supply ours.

It’s possible, just sort of complicated.

Why not have them auto-update via cron/bash…curl yourserver/moduleversion.php and compare to local installed version, then if new wget yourserver/module.tgz and install via CLI?

Less complicated and same results…albeit not as clean…but quick & dirty is usually pretty viable :stuck_out_tongue:

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While I thought about scripting for it, I hadn’t thought of it like that. Excellent idea.