Create 1st Admin User from CLI

uname -a

Linux asterisk 4.15.0-88-generic #88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 11 20:11:34 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

asterisk*CLI> core show version
Asterisk 17.2.0 built by root @ asterisk on a x86_64 running Linux on 2020-03-02 14:07:52 UTC

Hi, I am using Ansible to install Asterisk and FreePBX 15 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

I would like to be able to create the first admin user account from the CLI instead of having to visit the http interface in a browser and create from there.

How can I do this?

You could Wireshark everything you do in your browser, once, then try to automate the web interaction with Ansible:

Thanks penguinpbx. I was looking for something more unattended. It would be awesome if one could pass a file containing key:values to the install. Or even just pass the first user. So you end up with a task looking like:

  • name: run scripts
    command: “./install -n --dbuser {{ mariadb_user }} --dbpass {{ mariadb_user_pass }} --adminuser {{ ast_admin_user }} --adminpass {{ ast_admin_pass }}”
    ignore_errors: yes
    chdir: /usr/src/freepbx
    when: freepbx_found.stat.exists == False

Any remaining values could then be set using the command module along with amportal syntax.

Frankly I am surprised nobody thought of it before. It is common for a number of applications to provide such or similar option where any number of settings can be passed to the install.

From bash, try:-

PASSWORDSHA1=$(echo -n seanwepassword|sha1sum|awk ‘{print $1}’)
mysql asterisk -e “INSERT INTO ampusers (username,password_sha1,sections) VALUES (‘seanwe’,‘$PASSWORDSHA1’,‘*’)”

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Hi dicko, thanks for the input. Just to update my solution is as follows:

- name: sh1 password
    cmd: "echo -n {{ systems_user_password }}|sha1sum|awk '{print $1}'"
  register: sha1_password

- name: add first systems user
    cmd: mysql -u{{ mariadb_user }} asterisk -e "INSERT INTO ampusers (username,password_sha1,sections) VALUES ('{{ systems_user }}','{{ sha1_password.stdout }}','*')"

- name: first wizard settings page (msm)
    cmd: "fwconsole msm {{ }} {{ item.value }}"
    - { name: 'notification_emails', value: '{{ systems_email }}' }
    - { name: 'system_ident', value: '{{ ansible_hostname }}' }
    - { name: 'auto_module_updates', value: 'enabled' }
    - { name: 'auto_module_security_updates', value: 'enabled' }
    - { name: 'unsigned_module_emails', value: 'enabled' }
    - { name: 'update_every', value: 'monday' }
    - { name: 'update_period', value: '4to8' }

This gets me past the initial wizard (first) page So I am prompted for normal user auth on loading in the browser. On initial login the second wizard page displays wanting other settings, like lan and timezone, etc. But that is not a problem.

From here on I should be able configure the ami and ari via console and then anything else can be done using the Ansible uri module as suggested by penguinpbx.

INSERT INTO ampusers (username,password_sha1,sections) VALUES (‘admin’,‘$PASSWORDSHA1’,‘*’);
INSERT INTO kvstore_OOBE (key,val,type,id) VALUES (‘completed’,‘{“framework”:“framework”,“soundlang”:“soundlang”}’,‘json-arr’,‘noid’);
UPDATE freepbx_settings set value = ‘America/Los_Angeles’ WHERE keyword =‘PHPTIMEZONE’;
UPDATE freepbx_settings set value = ‘en_US’ WHERE keyword =‘UIDEFAULTLANG’;
UPDATE soundlang_settings set value = ‘en_US’ WHERE keyword =‘language’;

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…snipped a little here…

    cmd: "fwconsole msm {{ }} {{ item.value }}"

I prefer the command keyword you used in earlier example vs shell keyword. Mostly command just does less than shell. But both support creates parameter, which is handy for error checking.

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