Hi everyone !
Im novice into telephony world (working only 5 month with FreePBX). My chief give me the task - convert all of 3 digit numbers in 4 digit numbers. Our telephony guide already have 500+ numbers and here is my question - how to correctly convert all of my numbers into 4 digits from 3 digits.
I already checked previous topics with similar question but didnt find answer for my question.
For explain - need to transform 111 to 1111.
My version of FreePBX is 14.
Thanks in advance for the answer.
Maybe bulk export/import? You can export to excel sheet, update the extensions. Remove the existing extensions from your phone system and re import from the excel to have the extensions recreated.
I would backup your production system and test this theory somewhere else before doing it on production.
I don’t know however that there is going to be an easy automatic way to update all the different functions like ring groups and IVR if you have any to conform to this new standard. Those would need to be probably updated manually.
Thanks a lot for your answer. I appreciate that. One more question - have u ever did this ?
Because i tried this theory on one number. I created virtual 4 digit number and gave him for no answer audio “hello-test”, but when try to call that number i received “no answer”
Have you assigned it to a phone? Not sure that this has anything to do with the conversion process. This might be more a make sure you have the extension setup properly and are able to receive calls to it prior to the export/import.
Not the physical phone. That was a virtual extension
But i ll tried this tomorrow and gave u answer - work this or no. Thanks again very much for the advice
Sure, but what are you expecting to happen with a virtual extension when you call it? You’ll need to check asterisk logs to see what’s happening with that extension when you call it.
I expect that asterisk will give me “hello-test”. I can send this log into a message (i will be appreciate if u point where my mistake)
I checked Asterisk logs but i ran into problem - there were to much contexts which i have never seen before. Bad thing of this situation that i have working with system which administrated another worker (which fired) and i have no person for ask which context for what
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