Contacts on Sangoma phones - limits


Is any limit on Sangoma phones (S700, S500 and S300) for displaying contacs (via phone apps and contact button)?

I have external group in Conatct Manager with above 100 contact and on S500 I can see only first few contacts (about) 30 from Contact Manager. In UCP I can see all of that contacts.

Best regards,

I know this isn’t going to be much help, sorry not in front of the phone.

I had the same question with some S500, there is an option to go to the next 30. It’s not intuitive, but it’s there.

If someone doesn’t come back with the exact answer, keep looking on the phone. I know it will display more, just can’t remember how I made it do it.

Wish I could be more help, but first day of vacation and whiskey glass needs to be emptied again.

Many, many thanks. I finally found it on the phone. It’s not intuitive as You wrote, should be some info (page 1 of 3 or something like that).

Once again, thanks for help, and Mery Christmas and Happy New Year :slight_smile:.

Can you open a feature request under phone apps at and we can make it more intuitive.