Contact Photos on Sangoma Phones?

Yes that is what Andrew stated last week.

Do you have a phone number in the system with the digits “231” in it?

Please open a feature request to allow better control over what is considered a match at

Fixed in contactmanager v13.0.34

I’m still having problems with incorrect contact photos. At first they were working, but then we started adding cellphone numbers in the directory. Now I have users whose three digit extensions might show up within someone’s cellphone number, and the wrong picture will be shown.

Is there any way of fixing this? I have a user with the extension 262, and another user with cellphone number (xxx) xx2 - 62xx, and the wrong picture shows up when I try calling the user at 262.

Are you using the latest contact manage module. This should be fixed but if not open a bug report under FreePBX as its a FreePBX issue not phone issue.

I’m on, which is the latest stable as far as I know. Is there a newer version that fixes this?

I updated to the latest edge version (fwconsole ma --edge upgrade contactmanager). It looks like it’s working fine now. Thanks!

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