Connecting to Asterisk manager interface fails

I have a full installation of CentOS 5.2, as I want to be able to use the server for more than just a PBX.

Everything went fine until the ./install_amp --username=asteriskuser --password=SOMEPASSWORD

I replaced SOMEPASSWORD with the same password I used in the other two locations where SOMEPASSWORD was used.

When I got to the step of opening the browser, it initially would not work, so I checked to make sure httpd was working. Then, the FreePBX website came up, and I was able to select the admin tab.

Clicking on “Apply Configuration Changes” produces the following error message:

Connecting to Asterisk manager interface…Wed, 17 Dec 2008 14:25:35 -0600 - Unable to connect to manager (111): Connection refused
[FATAL] Asterisk Manager Connection Failure Failed to connect to the Asterisk manager through port: 5038

1 error(s) occured, you should view the notification log on the dashboard or main screen to check for more details.

I am also using the freepbx-2.5.1 version.

If you need anything else to figure out why this is happening, just let me know. Thanks.