Conference message

Hi everyone! I was wondering if it was possible to add a text-to-speech or wav file to play when someone calls the conference number. For example “Welcome to the company name audio conference service. Please enter your PIN and press the pound key.”

I know that you can add a “Join message”, which is played after the call inputs the PIN. I want to make the introductory message more personal. Can this be done?

Many thanks

Just play the message before you route the call to the conference.

Thanks SkykingOH, but surely playing the message then routing will still mean that the current message “Please enter the conference PIN number”? Ideally, we want to have the whole message recorded by one person, instead of having a real person, then TTS.

That’s not text to speech, it’s a system recording.

You can record that system greeting.

Sorry but I don’t know how to do this. I’m a complete newbie to this area. Is there a website that has instructions or any help pages specific to this? Thanks!

Log in to Asterisk 'asterisk ‘r’

‘core set verbose 3’ — This sets logging level

Now call conference bridge - note the name of the file being played when you login to the conference bridge.

‘core set verbose 0’ ---- Turn off logging

‘exit’ — exit asterisk CLE

Now go to the systems recording module in FreePBX, you can replace any system recordings with your own.