Commercial Endpoint Manager unable to add new phones-resolved

Commercial EPM

Unable to add phone in EPM anymore. EPM does not create a MAC_ADDRESS.cfg or MAC_ADDRESS files for the phone in the /tftpboot dirrectory. Desperately need to add 12 new phone for new employees, unable to do so. Unable to add phones from extensions either. Have tried amportal chown, everything seems OK.

dfennell, How are you looking for disk space?

Gobbs and Gobbs left, it’s a very strange issue.To answer directly, df -h reports 3.4 terabytes.

Is it possible to add phones manually so I can limp through this? I can upgrade to 12 this weekend, but there’s no good way to pull this server out of production until then.

I dont think chown takes care of tftpboot. You should check manually.

ls -l reports
drwxr-xr-x. 7 asterisk asterisk 24576 Nov 6 09:02 tftpboot

Now that’s service, thanks Tony. For anyone on the fence, the Commercial EPM put’s freepbx in league with the big boys at a mere fraction of the cost, and schmooze’s support on their products is spot on. If you’re trying to support more than a handful of phones and you don’t have it, you need it. If you only have a handful of phones and your time has any value, get it.

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