CID Superfecta Question

I am using FreePBX 12 on Asterisk 11.

Quick question about CID Superfecta. I have been using the OpenCNAM pro tier now for quite some time and in an effort to attempt to save some money on that platform, I was going to switch all of my inbound routes to use the default CID Superfecta scheme instead of using OpenCNAM pro, as I currently have over 20,000 entries cached to my Asterisk phonebook as of right now.

My default the order is set as: Asterisk phonebook, Superfecta cache, Trunk provided, Telco data, and OpenCNAM.

My question is… when the CID lookup reaches the OpenCNAM option at the bottom of the list, is it looking up the CID information using their free tier or can I configure this to use my OpenCNAM professional tier account for the lookup so that I don’t run out of lookup attempts with them, if this makes sense?

Thank you!

Pretty sure OpenCNAM no longer has a free tier. All lookups require credentials.

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