Channelcontext in CID


I have installed a fresh freepbx-Version and added an gp286 as extension.

On every Inbound-Call shows the phone the inbound-channelname.

Installed FreePBX-Version:

Current PBX Version:
Current System Version: 12.7.8-2306-1.sng7  
Total Module Count: 115
Enabled: 115

The numbers below may be inaccurate if new modules have been released since the last check:
Last online check: 2024-12-18T10:06:35+00:00
Modules with Upgrades: 1
System Upgrades Available: 0

Source for this Problem:

extensions_additional.conf Line 3473:
exten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(number)=${IF($["${CHANCONTEXT}" != "webcallback"]?${CHANEXTEN}:${CALLERID(number)})})

Ok, I can live with this view in my phone, but this malformed CALLERID will result into:

P-Asserted-Identity: "fromnumber" <sip:NET_Test10000015e%[email protected]>

The channelname is truncated to 20 chars. I don´t need the channelname in the PAI-Header and with this malformed PAI ClipNoScreen did not work. I also cann´t remove the line in the extensions_additional.conf after every reload.

How can I fix it?

Edit: I can remove the line there (line 28):


This makes the change persistent. Is this a Bug?


In case of emergency, you can override the context in extensions_additional.conf.

Just copy the original context from extensions_additional.conf and paste it into extensions_override_freepbx.conf.
Apply your change here and enjoy.

Don’t forget to run; fwconsole r after any change.

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No, you will get an error and if core module will be updated, then your change will be removed.

What is the reason for this line? I found some information about this, but no solution.

Is this a bug or a scary feature?

This is about IAX2.
I personally have never had this kind of problem with SIP or PJSIP.
Maybe something specific in your phone settings.
I don’t know.

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