May 23, 2023, 11:51am
When the sound file is missing in the folder of the currently activated language, FreePBX will playing the sound file from the english folder as a fallback. So you are probably missing the files vm-theperson.gsm, digits/1.gsm, digits/0.gsm, vm-isonphone.gsm, vm-intro.gsm and beep.gsm in the German language folder you have created.
Coincidentally I have published new German sound files for the FreePBX last week. See my Post here .
Try to install these ones by following the guide.
# Install sound files in FreePBX
1. Log into your FreePBX webinterface and go to **Admin > Sound Languages**.
2. In the right navigation bar, click **Custom Languages**.
3. Click on the button **+ Add New Custom Language**.
4. Enter a language code, e.g. **de_custom** and a description, e.g. **DE Custom**. Click on submit.
5. In the right navigation bar, click **Settings**.
6. Select the newly added language **DE_Custom** as a **Global Language** and select the following **Download Formats**: **alaw**, **ulaw**, **g722**. Click on Submit.
7. Click on **Apply Changes**.
8. Download the three zip files ``, `` and `` from the [newest release]( on Github. Unzip the downloaded files.
9. Connect with a SFTP client like WinSCP to your FreePBX machine.
10. Go to the directory **/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/de_custom** and copy the content of unzipped folders to the directory. If you get a warning that some files already exists, skip the copy of these files.
11. If you had any custom recordings before the language change, copy the folder **custom** from the old language folder to the new language folder.
12. Change the owner of the copied files from **root** to **asterisk**. You can do this in WinSCP or over SSH with the command `chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/de_custom`.
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