Hi all, Im using FREEPBX17 and i need to change the user_agent name to something else, but im struggling to work out how.
I can confirm on the CLI whats it currently set to, by doing asterisk -x “pjsip show settings” | grep user_agent
I can see it there set as FPBX 17xxxx etc, which is correct. ( I can also see it using pjsip show settings on the GUI. It is a GLOBAL setting.
I cant work out how I can change it though, cant see it anywhere in the settings on the GUI, and cant work out how to edit the /etc/asterisk/pjsip_custom_post.conf file, which is where I ‘assume’ it is.
If you are on a Windows machine, install a linux-compatible editor, like the free Proton editor. And configure it in Filezilla to be the default editor (with no exceptions).
Open pjsip_custom_post.conf and edit it.