Certificate Management Failure

Hi, everyone
I have an issue that I tried a lot to fix it but I failed
PBX Version:
System Version:12.7.8-2104-1.sng7

LetsEncrypt Generation Failure

Self test error: Pest_Curl_Exec - Could not resolve host: example,sub,domain,com; Unknown error

  • Does DNS for example,sub,domain,com resolve correctly? Local DNS result: dns error, External DNS result: dns error

Processing: example,sub,domain,com, Local IP: dns error, Public IP: dns error Self test: trying http:/example,sub,domain,com/,freepbx-known/599fa51de09f869f166b0cb4908b2ac3 Self test error: Pest_Curl_Exec - Could not resolve host: example,sub,domain,com; Unknown error

Please help me with the solution

The host name does not resolve. Have you added the fqdn to both internal and external DNS?

LetsEncrypt will require the name to be resolvable from the internet, the library FreePBX uses also requires the name be resolvable and accessible by the resolved IP from the pbx itself.

I’m assuming the commas in “example,sub,domain,com” are just a typo when sanitizing the post. Otherwise they are (at least partially) the problem - use a valid hostname.

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