Certificate Import Locally error after Restore FreePBX 14 backup into FreePBX 15

I have a working FreePBX 14 Distro deployment. I spun up a new VPS instance and installed FreePBX 15 clean. I poked a round a few settings and setup a LE cert. Everything looked fine.

So I decided to restore the FreePBX 14 backup file. That seemed to go with no errors except for a single sound file not getting copied. Great.

I then look in Certificate management and I do not see my certificate. Ok. I expected that since I was using certbot and manually importing. No big deal.

But the new cert I had requested prior to the restore was also gone. Ok fine, it removed everything. I can accept that.

I look in /etc/asterisk/keys and see that the new cert was in the folder.

So I clicked the Import Locally button and get this error.

Issue Created: [FREEPBX-20882] Error on Import Locally - Sangoma Issue Tracker

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tested this again, ensuring I was on the current certman module, as requested in the ticket.

I spun up a new FreePBX 15 instance and updated everything to non-edge current.
I created a LE cert on pbx15.bundystl.com.
I copied a full backup from my live system to this system and restored it.

I did this because the real goal here was to migrate from FreePBX 14 to FreePBX 15 via a backup and restore process in order to move servers at the same time as the upgrade. This means I want the old and new servers on line at the same time for an amount of time in order to test everything migrated before switching DNS.

Thinking about it, this may be more of an issue with backup/restore. maybe it needs to clean more of this data out.

Because within sysadmin, it still shows the pbx15.bundystl.com cert as active in apache, not the (in theory) restored cert from the FreePBX 14 instance.

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