CEL does not allow play or download recordings


I’m back seeking advice again.

When I try to play or download a call recording from the CDR (either in UCP or in the FreePBX admin web interface), everything works correctly.
The URL for download is: http://mydomain/ucp/ajax.php?module=cdr&command=download&msgid=1730986430.29&type=download&ext=101

However, if I try to do the same thing via CEL, this happens:

In UCP, when I click the “Play” button in the Playback column, I just get a message saying that the file does not exist. I can’t get any URL from there.

When I click the “Download” button, I see a “Forbidden” message.
The URL is: http://mydomain/ucp/ajax.php?module=cel&command=download&id=1730986430.29&type=download

The same issue occurs in the admin web interface (Reports → Call Event Logging).
When I click the “Play” button in the Play column, I get the message: “File does not exist.”

Regarding the “Forbidden” message when trying to download, I assume this might be a permissions problem. But where should I adjust the permissions?

Does CEL point to /var/spool/asterisk/monitor like CDR does? If so, the files are owned by the asterisk user, and the permissions are set to -rw-r--r--, so that should be correct.

I’ve noticed on the forum that I’m not the first to face this issue, so has anyone found a solution?

Many thanks for any advice.

Nobody knows anything about that please?

Any hint? :slight_smile:

HI @Rumprcimprcampr ,
Could you please provide the following details? There are no such known issues with CEL or CDR:

  1. Can you share the versions of the CDR, CEL, and UCP modules currently installed?
  2. Have you tried upgrading these modules to the latest stable versions? If not, please give it a try

Hi, thanks for reply.

My versions (obtained from fwconsole ma list):