CDR problem after update

After recent update FreePBX I can`t play recording calls. When I click the button play in CDR I getting error:
"RuntimeExceptionsh: 1: asterisk: not found


Asterisk 11.9.0
Debian 7.9 whezzy

I have corrected the error by removing the part of the code in the file /var/www/admin/libraries/media/Media/Driver/Drivers/AsteriskShell.php

  • Get the version of Asterisk
    * @return string The version
    public function getVersion() {

    $process = new Process($this->binary.’ -V’);
    // executes after the command finishes
    if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
    throw new \RuntimeException($process->getErrorOutput());
    //sox: Asterisk 13.5.0
    if(preg_match("/Asterisk (.*)/",$process->getOutput(),$matches)) {
    return $matches[1];
    } else {
    throw new \Exception(“Unable to parse version”);
    return “11.9.0”;

I understand that to do is wrong, but I do not understand why the function getVersion does not work

The “asterisk” executable was not in the path of the process. This is an environment problem, I’d guess.