Cdr/lib/defines.php comment


as always that you for your fine work. I was wondering why must cdr/lib/defines.php
be replaced alltogether on every framework? I have a custom db so this must be fixed every time there is a framework or core upgrade.

Strangely the username and password are simply references why not the db name as well?

define (“HOST”, $amp_conf[“AMPDBHOST”]);
define (“PORT”, “5432”);
define (“USER”, $amp_conf[“AMPDBUSER”]);
define (“PASS”, $amp_conf[“AMPDBPASS”]);
define (“DBNAME”, “MYDBNAME”);
define (“DB_TYPE”, “mysql”); // mysql or postgres

thank you


kieranmullen3: is this a variable that is already in amportal.conf? Feel free to submit a patch with the changes that you would like to.

I am just saying that there are certain areas of the conf and defines that should not be overwritten