All default settings on MS Edge (25.10586.0.0), MS Explorer (11.162.10586.0) and Firefox (76.0.1).
The system is running on a CentOs7 virtualized server, behind a firewall. The firewall has all kinds of restrictions in place, but it does allow internet access for PBX server and allows SIP data and control ports access to the specified IP address of our test systems. Both local and remote SIP extension calls were working through Asterisk and I wanted to add a SIPSTATION trunk trial to validate calls to mobile/PSTN devices. Couldn’t get SIPSTATION free trial page (the same Undefined issue) and after some research, decided to upgrade the system. So, I’ve upgraded the system and modules to the latest, that didn’t resolve the SIPSTATION Free Trial issue - still was getting Undefined on that specific page. But, next morning, pretty much the entire freePBX GUI was blocked with Undefined errors. I have tried to upgrade everything to --edge, redeploy framework, core and other components per various recommendations on the internet, but have not been able to restore the GUI access. I need that to set up the trunks trial to continue with my testing… Thanks for your help.