Can't install "customcontexts"

Just installed FreePBX Distro which installs FreePBX and CustomContexts won’t install. Help…

  1. Following customcontexts doc I download the newest version I can find - 2.8.0rc1.1.tgz into the folder /var/www/html/admin/modules, untar & “chown -R asterisk:asterisk customcontexts” folder.

  2. Next I run “Module Admin” and at the bottom of the list in the Third Party Addon Section is “Custom Contexts - Not Installed (locally available)”

  3. choose ‘install’ and get the error message “Time Conditions module required and not present - abort” but “Time Conditions is already installed”

Any ideas,

Thanks for your help ahead of time


You’re downloading a version which is not compatible with FreePBX 2.9. There are fundamental changes in the time conditions module between FreePBX 2.8 and 2.9 including a new “Call Flow” module.

To get the correct module: From the FreePBX modules menu, be sure you check the “Extended” check box click the “Check Online” button. You should see the Custom-Contexts version which you can download and install there.

No manual download is required. Just use the module admin screen and you’ll be ready to configure and use Custom-Contexts!