Cant access GUI after fwconsole ma upgradeall

Hi All,

i did the above command now i cant access the gui and the command line is given me the below errors, no idea how i can fix this without a reinstall?

Exception: Bug: Explicitly know about FreePBX\Console\Command, asked for FreePBX\Console\Command\Endpoint, but /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Console/Endpoint.php (or Endpoint.class.php) doesn’t exist in file /var/www/html/admin/ on line 213
Stack trace:

  1. Exception->() /var/www/html/admin/
  2. fpbx_framework_autoloader() [internal]:0
  3. spl_autoload_call() [internal]:0
  4. class_exists() /var/lib/asterisk/bin/fwconsole:151
    Exception: Bug: Explicitly know about FreePBX\Console\Command, asked for FreePBX\Console\Command\Endpoint, but /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Console/Endpoint.php (or Endpoint.class.php) doesn’t exist in file /var/www/html/admin/ on line 213
    Stack trace:
  5. Exception->() /var/www/html/admin/
  6. fpbx_framework_autoloader() [internal]:0
  7. spl_autoload_call() [internal]:0
  8. class_exists() /var/lib/asterisk/bin/fwconsole:151

Does that file exist? If so, try fwconsole chown

Or try to re-install endpoint

fwconsole ma downloadinstall endpoint --force

no that files does not exist, do i have to recreate it somehow?

Try to re-install, as mentioned

that failed as well:

[root@freepbx ~]# fwconsole ma downloadinstall endpoint --force
Exception: Bug: Explicitly know about FreePBX\Console\Command, asked for FreePBX\Console\Command\Endpoint, but /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Console/Endpoint.php (or Endpoint.class.php) doesn’t exist in file /var/www/html/admin/ on line 213
Stack trace:

  1. Exception->() /var/www/html/admin/
  2. fpbx_framework_autoloader() [internal]:0
  3. spl_autoload_call() [internal]:0
  4. class_exists() /var/lib/asterisk/bin/fwconsole:151
    [root@freepbx ~]#

Hi @H220 looks like trying to find Endpoint class in “/var/www/html/admin/libraries/Console/” path whereas this is present in “/var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/Console” path.

quick tricky way to get around this problem is create soft link like
“ln -s /var/www/html/admin/modules/endpoint/Console/Endpoint.class.php /var/www/html/admin/libraries/Console/Endpoint.class.php”

But i am not sure if this will fix problem permanently for you and how did you land up in this situation so worth to file bug with detailed description of steps you did along with system information and framework, core modules version information so we can try to reproduce issue in-house to dig further.


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