Cannot login to the FreePBX Administration from an external address

I cannot connect to my FreePBX from the web. But I can connect from the local network.

-I added the IP of the computer I’m using to the network as Local.
-The IP is in the white list of the Intrusion Detection.
-The port is forwarded by my router to the FreePBX server. (I have other ports that works)
I event try to logging while the Firewall was diabled!

What else should I look?

Howdy! Welcome to the forums.

What port numbers are working and what port numbers are not working ?

Have you tried forwarding a high random port eg. > 1024 to the internal 80/443 on your FreePBX ?

Thanks penguipbx.

I just connected to FreePBX from an external IP. The thing is, if I’m trying using a computer on my network trought the External IP, I cannot connect. But from an computer ouside of my network it work.

The only thing that is failing right now in the creation of LetsEncrypt certificate via port 80:
Self test error: Pest_Curl_Exec - Connection timed out after 5001 milliseconds

For that to work your router needs a working ‘hairpin’ route back to your PBX and that is router specific

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