Can not edit existing trunk/route/group

My freepbx server updated modules:
This is an automatic notification from your FreePBX (VoIP Server Asterisk)

Module(s) requiring upgrades: core, endpoint, framework, manager
Upgrading module ‘framework’ from 15.0.29 to 15.0.32
Module framework successfully downloaded in 22 seconds
Upgrading module ‘core’ from to
Module core successfully downloaded in 28 seconds
Upgrading module ‘endpoint’ from to
Module endpoint successfully downloaded in 21 seconds
Upgrading module ‘manager’ from 15.0.19 to 15.0.20
Module manager successfully downloaded in 1 seconds
All upgrades completed successfully!

And now i can not edit inbound routes and trunks. When i try to edit existing trunk or route, gui open the page with a creation new trunk or route. The same situation with edit groups.

PBX Version:15.0.32
PBX Distro:12.7.8-2203-2.sng7
Asterisk Version:17.9.4

Hi @oleksandrvidi Please update to the latest framework and then try again. thanks

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