Can not connect to GUI after frest install

I have installed a fresh copy of the 6.12.65 on my dedicated desktop. After successfully installing Freepbx I login in via command line and check the ip address via “ifconfig” and then go to a different computer to login in via GUI but it does not connect to it. I tired it accessing it from different computer but no luck…New to all of this, any help?

Sounds like you have a firewall issue? Also, the IP address of the machine is shown when you log in, too:

Last login: Tue Nov 25 08:00:49 2014 from
 _____              ____  ______  __
|  ___| __ ___  ___|  _ \| __ ) \/ /
| |_ | '__/ _ \/ _ \ |_) |  _ \  /
|  _|| | |  __/  __/  __/| |_) /  \
|_|  |_|  \___|\___|_|   |____/_/\_\

Interface eth0 IP:

Make sure you’re using that one, not or something like that.


I had a similar issue with the latest stable distro release Stable-6.12.65. I could not connect to the web gui after a fresh install. I eventually re-downloaded the iso and verified the MD5SUM. It checked out OK and I burned (at 2x) and reinstalled. All was well then.