Bulk import of ring groups

Ring groups are not in Bulk Handler.
If I simply import via SQL and fwconsole reload will that work?

This does appear to work.

INSERT INTO `ringgroups` (`grpnum`, `strategy`, `grptime`, `grppre`, `grplist`, `annmsg_id`, `postdest`, `description`, `alertinfo`, `remotealert_id`, `needsconf`, `toolate_id`, `ringing`, `cwignore`, `cfignore`, `cpickup`, `recording`, `progress`, `elsewhere`, `rvolume`) VALUES
('4358',	'ringall',	20,	'HD2: ',	'6115-5782',	0,	'um-vm,s,1',	'Helpdesk 2',	'',	0,	'',	0,	'Ring',	'',	'',	'',	'dontcare',	'yes',	'no',	'');

followed by fwconsole reload

Now I see 4358 in the generated conf files.

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