Broadcast XAct Dialer: silence during call and PHP error


I’m trying out the Broadcast module and have run into a problem: recipients called by the module hear nothing and the duration of call doesn’t match the length of file (waited for a couple minutes with 18 second file and ‘hangup’ call termination chosen in announcement options).

Strangely enough, yesterday not one of my test campaigns worked, but today in the morning the issue suddenly went away. So I played around with the recipient list, adding and removing addresses from .csv file, and everything was okay, but upon uploading a new system recording and adding another announcement to use with the same campaign the silence came back - even after reverting to the old (previously working) settings.

In the dump recorded with tcpdump on the freepbx server I see that every RTP packet’s payload is varying amount of nothing but 'f’s. And upon starting/restarting and setting the campaign active, the following message pops up in /var/log/asterisk/broadcast:

PHP Notice:  Undefined index: 5/1436786817/2051781414 in /var/www/html/admin/modules/broadcast/enc/Service.class.php on line 241

The first number in the index varies depending on the campaign I’m trying to start (there are three test campaigns with the mentioned number varying from 3 to 5).

Any ideas how this could be fixed?

Broadcast version is, Asterisk 13.4.0, SHMZ release 6.5 (Final) (as per /etc/*release)

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