Blacklist 14.0.3. frontend empty after update

pbx*CLI> database deltree blacklist
Database entries do not exist.
[2021-02-05 22:17:44] WARNING[13517]: db.c:481 ast_db_deltree: Couldn't execute stmt: SQL logic error or missing database

after that, new records are not added to the database via the web interface
I get a message that the number has been added to the blacklist,

but the command in the console displays empty

[root@pbx ~]# asterisk -x "database show blacklist"
0 results found.

and no more settings are saved

it was a big failure

Database corruption maybe? Is disk space an issue?

database completely destroyed
settings from backup are not restored anymore and are not saved via the web interface…

a sleepless night awaits me today)

I created a new base
now the blacklist module correctly displays numbers and settings
thanks to all

could you please write a little bit more, step by step, what you have done?

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