Good day to all. I have been looking for a solution for some time now. But I have not found a working method yet. I want to set up trunk balancing. Or make a limit on the number of minutes and seconds, upon reaching which the SIP lines stop making outgoing calls or are switched off. I understand that there are solutions at the trunk level. But I have not found a working option yet.
There’s this third party module
It hasn’t been touched in years, might work in fpbx 16 (prob won’t work in 17)
I have already tried this module but an earlier version. It turned out not to work (but maybe I just couldn’t set it up). When I click on the Trunk Balance button, it gives an error. The same thing with the latest version at the link. Therefore, I study the working solution
It lacks any support for chan_pjsip meaning the trunks would have to be chan_sip. It also hasn’t been updated since 2019 and even then it was minor updates. On top of that, it is built using PHP5.x and the deprecated/removed mysql driver. It most likely won’t work with PHP7.x.
Someone forked it and got it working with PJSIP and FreePBX v16 but hasn’t touched it since.
I use exactly chan_sip. Yes, I understand that the module has not been updated for a long time. That’s probably why I can’t run it. Thanks for the help. Maybe there are some other modules or a solution to this problem. I’ve looked through many sites, but haven’t found a working solution yet. I was hoping that someone had encountered this and knew how to solve it))
I just posted a link to an updated module that works with FreePBX v16.
Thank you. The module doesn’t work with Freepbx 17?
Probably not since it requires PHP 8.x so you will have to test. It might work.
I can’t find where you posted the updated version. Please give me a link.
does not work on FreePbx. Tried different versions of the module. not working, but maybe someone can fix it. I hope someone else will give me some advice on this issue
You haven’t provided any real information as to why it doesn’t. Not sure how we can advise.
Another approach would be to create a systemd timer or cronjob or mysql trigger that sums billsecs for all calls with a dstchannel having a regex of the trunk name that occurred after the last dayofmonth(statement_date) which exceeds the allowed time and if it matches calls fwconsole trunks --disable trunk_id & fwconsole reload
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