Backup from command line

I had a module upgrade for sysadmin under 2.11 go spectaularly wrong. This resulted in losing access to the FreePBX GUI.

I’ve tried to reinstall 2.11 from svn but I keep getting an error when trying to checkout the 2.11 version (as described

As it happens, I already have another disk built and am at the point of trying to see if I can run a backup from command line so I move the data to a new disk.

Does anyone know if this can be done?



Why would you reinstall FreePBX. Why not first look at log files and see what is wrong.

Start with /var/log/http_error

The problem followed the upgrade to sysadmin-

The HTTPD daemon won’t run as its complaining about a few things…

“Starting httpd: [Mon Jan 13 22:41:03 2014] [warn] default VirtualHost overlap on port 82, the first has precedence
[Mon Jan 13 22:41:03 2014] [warn] default VirtualHost overlap on port 81, the first has precedence
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:82
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs”

All listen statements being in conf.d/schmoozecom.conf

I’m still running a Centos 5 system here and was thinking it might be easier to move to the version 6 build I had already started.
