Asterisk shows AstDB key does not exist for every Extension and trunk modyfying


I’m having trouble with the new FreePBX 17 installation on Debian 12. I performed a fresh installation using the .sh script.

However, I noticed that every time I click “Submit” after creating or modifying an extension in the GUI, the following warnings appear in the console:

WARNING[3522]: db.c:523 ast_db_del2: AstDB key /AMPUSER/124/screen does not exist
WARNING[3522]: db.c:523 ast_db_del2: AstDB key /AMPUSER/124/dialopts does not exist
WARNING[3522]: db.c:523 ast_db_del2: AstDB key /AMPUSER/124/screen does not exist
WARNING[3522]: db.c:523 ast_db_del2: AstDB key /AMPUSER/124/pinless does not exist
WARNING[3522]: db.c:523 ast_db_del2: AstDB key /DEVICE/124/emergency_cid does not exist

Also, when I try to create or modify a Trunk configuration, I see the following warning:

WARNING[6513]: db.c:523 ast_db_del2: AstDB key /TRUNK/1/dialopts does not exist

I know this happened in FreePBX 16 as well, but back then, running asterisk-version-switch to match the installed version fixed the issue. This no longer helps.

I have tried switching from Asterisk 21 to Asterisk 22, but the warnings still appear, and it’s quite disturbing as I have about 100 extensions and multiple trunks, and everyone sees 4 warnings.

How can I resolve or remove these warnings?

Many thanks for any advice.

They are warnings that is it. It was an update made to Asterisk rather recently which is why certain versions may not have it. Previously if an AstDB key didn’t exist or wasn’t set, it just returned nothing and now it returns a warning that the key doesn’t exist.

Since FreePBX doesn’t add unused settings into the database, when the GUI loads the configuration to view/edit it still looks to see if those settings are in the database. Because they don’t exist, these warnings are generated.

The actual date on that change is April 1st, 2022 so over two years ago.

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Thank you for the answers.
However, it still feels strange to me. Why are there warnings for only a few variables and not for all of them, especially if some are already present?

I’m just curious,
Is there any possibility that this behavior might change in future updates or versions?

Because the warning if for when it either doesn’t exist or has no value. It won’t throw errors for something that is populated properly.

Doubtful, it was just added as an enhancement for Asterisk users.