@dicko, Thanks. The ssh access to the Aztech router is disabled. No way to turn it on from the gui interface. Any other hack that you can suggest?
Sorry, but Google suggests that it is just a matter of enableing it on the “access” page there is likely a hardware 'factory default" button on the back if you have been locked out.
ssh in, opkg install sngrep, and you have made it easy to diagnose sip traffic.
@dicko, I’ve tried the factory reset - ssh is still disabled and no way to turn it on from the management pages. This router is by default provided to business clients by the largest telco here - it may be an OEM version that has additional tightening.
That is unfortunate, have you thought to replace it?
@dicko, it is at a client site - wanted to make a recommendation to change it once I am fully sure that changing the router will fix it. Will try if we can run a short pilot with a different router. Will update this thread with the outcome in a few days. Thanks for helping.
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