Appointment Reminder Questions

I have a couple of questions about the appointment reminder. That, and perhaps some feature requests.

1: If it encounters and answering machine does it know, and does it do anything about it? Does it only start the message after the tone or anything else like that?

2: Can the “end time” be after the starting time? Our PBX is sitting in GMT+2 calling people in the US. So let us just assume 9:00-17:00 on the west coast the end time would be after midnight our time! How can I handle this short of changing the timezone for the entire PBX? It would be a very useful feature to add a timezone, even for the CSV file so different people could have different rules applied (IE in the east coast I want to start calling at 15:00 my time which is 08:00 on the east coast, but if the person is on the west coast I need to only start at 18:00 etc.